I signed up for crops two weekends in a row. So. Much. Fun. The first crop was a boy scout fundraiser crop, and it was okay. Just okay. It wasn't as fabulous as I'd hoped, but I did get a nice tote bag for Karen out of it. And I bought a t-shirt, because I don't have enough of those. There were no door prizes--I do like those hourly drawings! And there were no snacks. I am one who likes to much and work. The food was really good, but I like a little something in between. Also, my scrapbooking friend got some bad news health-wise just a few days before, and she wasn't in a fantastic mood because of that. Still, we laughed and did our best to have a great time.
Yesterday's crop was a no-frills crop put on by my CM consultant. Knowing that it was no-frills, I had very low expectations. But it was great! The people there were all tons of fun, and the consultants had a good sale table. I took my new wagon with me, and everyone was envious. It certainly made hauling my stuff in and out much easier:
I also liked the way I had it right next to me at my table and my stuff wasn't sitting on the ground. It was easier to reach in and find things when they were right next to me. I have decided that I love it.
I brought my own lunch because the church's location is not near any fast-food restaurants, and I didn't want to lose the time driving to get something. Others did the same, and we had a nice little lunch break. It snowed most of the afternoon, but nothing stuck to the roads.
At the crop, I worked on my Italy trip scrapbook. The memories were flooding back as I read my journal and looked again at all the pictures. That was such an amazing trip. Class. I keep forgetting the CLASS part! Here's the last page I worked on this weekend. It's the Republic Day parade we watched. It was such a show of military force, and when we mentioned this to the desk clerk at our hotel, she kind of laughed and said that Italy has no military force to speak of. This was interesting to me!
It's not a fabulous layout, but I think the pictures, program, and barrier tape really capture the day. My classmate Carol and I went to the parade together, not at all knowing what to expect, and we had such a blast! Our vantage point across from the Coliseum was the starting point for the parade, and we saw everything! The president, or maybe it was the prime minister, or maybe even both, we're just not sure, came by a few times in his official car. That was great. The residents around us really cheered and were excited to see him, but we could never figure out who it was.
I'll be sad when my Italy trip is finished being scrapbooked. It was such an amazing time.
6 hours ago
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