I fed my paper addiction by going to the local scrapbook store's annual Yard Sale. In their back room, they set out used stuff that customers have brought in to sell. I got a ziplock bag full of old CM and Mrs. Grossman's stickers, a set of letters (not one was missing--a rarity), and a HUGE ziplock bag full of 12 x 12 paper. Oh, and I even got a CM file folder for only $5. I realized, post-manic phase, that this folder does not hold 12 x 12 paper, which is sort of a bummer. It is well-used, too, so I'm pretty sure I can't sell it on eBay. Oh well, I will find some use for it.
I'm heading to Pennsylvania for a few days, so there will be no scrappin' going on. And when I get back, I'll be busy making baby shower invitations for an old friend of mine. We registered today at Target and Burlington, and BOY did we have fun! My vast experience as Aunt Jann, auntie extraordinaire to 6 children, helped us immensely--ha!