
DIY Bunting--Part 1

I don't know why I love bunting--it's some kind of nostalgia thing, I think.  Not that I ever had bunting growing up, but I suppose it evokes a simpler time, something old-fashioned.  The hurricane did no damage here, we didn't lose power or anything, so today was a great day to sew! I first had to organize the sewing closet.  The fabric was out. of. control. 

I sorted it by rainbow colors, as I do most things in life (thread, scrapbook paper, construction paper at school, markers), except I added a holiday section, since I have a ton of Christmasy fabric.  As I sorted, I kept thinking about the bunting I wanted to make, and I just had so much autumn-looking fabric that I decided to concentrate on those colors.  I certainly have enough fabric to make special bunting for Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and anything patriotic, so I might just stick with the seasonal themes.

I used the tutorial on Joyful Abode, and it worked out great.  I followed her measurements, as I really had no idea what size I wanted my bunting.  Once I hang it on the wall, I'll decide if I'd rather it bigger, smaller, or longer, but for now, it's looking pretty good.

I started off assembling autumn colored fabric from my stash: (ooh, by the way, you can see my DIY pressing table under the fabric.  I love, love, love it!)

Then I made my template the same size and way she did, and cut a bunch of strips of fabric into 7-inch lengths. I didn't actually cut it--I tore it like she suggested.  Can I say how therapeutic that feels?!?! I love tearing fabric!!

Then I used my rotary cutter to cut out as many triangle shapes as I could:

When I was finished, I matched up two complementary triangles for some sewing.  I am not sure why I did two different fabrics, except that's how Joyful Abode did hers.  Since it's going against a wall, this first one, I think I could use a plain back, or the same fabric as the front.  Either way, it's going to be great...

Altogether, I had enough fabric for 41 triangles.  Can you believe I still sewed one with NOT right-sides-together??!?!? How many years has it been?!?! Oh, well.

I used the serger to sew the long sides together.  I lover that serger, except for threading it.  Which is why it still has black thread in it.  I just can't bear to rethread it.  I don't think you can see any threads, though, so no worries.

When this part was all finished, here's what I had, a happy little pile of bunting:

Part two tomorrow--turning the bunting right-sides-out, ironing, finishing the top edges, and hanging.  I think I'm going to use zig-zag for this set.  I'll let you know later this week how it goes!!

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